Nursing Association of Republic of Moldova (NARM) is a professional and scientific, non-governmental, non-profit, apolitical organisation formed in 1994 and registered at the Ministry of Justice in 1997 by an initiative group formed of 30 healthcare assistants.

The Association has managed to extend its network successfully by founding 64 branches throughout the republic. Since 1997 it is the full member of the European Forum of Nursing Associations, of the World Health Organisation, is the honorific member of the Sigma-Theta-Thai (U.S.A), of the European Palliative Care Association, member of the Help Age International link and member of the World Christian Nurse Association. The Association unites specialists in different fields of activity: nursing in paediatrics, oncology, psychiatry, community nursing, Christian nurses, etc.

Within these years of activity, the Association has contributed to the development of the concept of modern nursing and its implementation in the health care system of the Republic of Moldova by organising conferences, symposiums, workshops with the best experts in the field invited.

Also, the Association has participated in the development of different nursing specialization/advanced training programs. The New Nursing Concept Development Program has been developed on the basis of the model of V. Henderson. The Association has participated in the development of the Health Policy of the Republic of Moldova, National Development Plan of RM according to which nursing is a priority direction.