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Center for Ukrainian refugees set up in “Manej” athletics center, Moldova. March 3, 2022. Public domain; Creative Commons usage.

UNCG Nursing makes an impact regionally and nationally. And, with a refugee crisis along the borders of Ukraine and beyond, internationally as well.

In the midst of the Ukrainian refugee crisis, UNCG nurses are collaborating with the Moldova Nurses Association to help. A new program through the NC-Moldova Nursing Collaborative is providing education for Moldovan nurses as they care for refugees of the Russian invasion into Ukraine.

A Zoom webinar on Thursday, March 10, with many nurses in Moldova and Ukraine invited, focused on the common infectious diseases, managing chronic conditions, special conditions for vulnerable populations, and unique needs of the refugee population. Dr. Audrey Snyder, Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Experiential Learning and Innovation, was a presenter. Dr. Deborah Lekan and Dr. Nancy Hoffart, who are each recently retired from the UNCG Nursing faculty, provided the welcome and the closing remarks, respectively. Snyder notes that NC Secretary of State Elaine Marshall and US Ambassador to Moldova Kent Logsdson provided comments at the webinar.

UNCG faculty Dr. Vadim Korogoda and Snyder are members of the collaborative; Hoffart and Lekan are co-chairs. Together with Moldovan nurses and administrators, they plan to hold a series of six webinars to educate nurses in and near Moldava during this time; this seminar was the first. They will be made available through YouTube links disseminated by the Nurses Association of the Republic of Moldova.

This morning was a humbling experience,” Snyder said in an email interview afterward. “We hit the maximum Zoom webinar capacity at 500 attendees – although one zoom site may have had a dozen healthcare providers together at one site to view. Elena Stemposcaia, President of the Moldovan Nurses Association, indicated the topical presentation was very helpful. The appreciation by the nurses was evident in the chat box.”   

 A moment during webinar. More than 500 participated.

Snyder saw participants from throughout Moldova: All five colleges of nursing in the Republic of Moldova were represented, as was the medical university. There were many hospitals and clinics represented. “Some of the different specialties that we were able to discern were gynecology, urology, pediatrics, cardiology, surgery, neurosurgery, perinatal, pulmonology, septic surgery, adolescent health, and others,” she said. “All this to say: Many, many nurses and probably many physicians wanted the info.”

Korogoda, a School of Nursing clinical assistant professor with a nurse anesthesia focus, added, “The people in Moldova, including my family, are generous people and will help anyone in need but they themselves have limited resources.” He believes these webinars will help the nurses as they help with the refugee crisis, as it was so unexpected and not something the nurses have dealt with before.

This work is supported by a Rotary Grant, Snyder notes, and translation at the sessions is supported by the Global Rural Nurse Exchange Network. 

The Associated Press reports more than 2 million Ukrainian citizens have crossed the border into other nations in order to escape the invasion by the Russian forces. According to the collaborative, Moldova has received the largest number of refugees as a country in proportion with its population density.

UNC Greensboro’s School of Nursing, as well as the Guilford Rotary Club, has had a history of collaboration with Moldovan nurses. In 2019, the Republic of Moldova Ambassador to the United States visited the UNCG School of Nursing, marking 10 years of the school’s collaboration with Moldovan nurses. At the time, they discussed hopes of increasing the capability of Moldovan nurses to help improve the health of their citizens.

This program is another step in the collaboration, addressing public health and aiding vulnerable people in a time of need.

See articles from past years on UNCG/Moldovan educational ties here and here.

By Mike Harris and Vivian Campbell, for UNCG Magazine



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Public Health and Disaster Management Nursing and Refugee Support Webinar Series

The "Public Health and Disaster Management Nursing and Refugee Support" webinar series is made possible with a grant from the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International and the Matson Halverson Christiansen Hamilton Foundation in collaboration with the Global Rural Nursing Exchange Network. The six webinars were developed in partnership with the Guilford Rotary Club, District 7690 in North Carolina, and the Nursing Association of the Republic of Moldova.


Webinar #1:  Public Health Consideration in Refugee Crises




Webinar #2: Nuclear and Radiologic Incidents





Webinar #3: Psychological First Aid





Webinar #4: Crisis Standards of Care









Moldova Crisis Webinars in the Media

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Moldova Crisis Webinars in the Media

Interviewed by Chelsea Floyd (March 29, 2022). UNCG nursing department helping Moldova nurses with the refugee crisis in Ukraine. Spectrum news.

Interviewed by Daryl Matthews (March 24, 2022). UNCG nursing school giving lifesaving training to help refugees overseas. Fox 8 news,

Interviewed by Tamara Scott (March 18, 2022). ABC 11 Television, Raleigh, NC. UNCG nurse lead education effort in refugee crisis teaching Moldova nurses.

Interviewed by Itinease McMiller (March 16, 2022). WFMY Television."Leaders there have refugees in their homes” | UNCG is helping educate nurses in Moldova to care for Ukrainian refugees.

Interviewed by Liz Schlemmer (March 16, 2022). WUNC Radio. UNCG is helping train Moldovan nurses to care for Ukrainian refugees.

Interviewed by Mike Harris (March 11, 2022). UNCG Nurses Lead Effort in Refugee Crisis. UNCG Magazine.




“Training the nurses leaders in the treatment of tobacco addiction"

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During the period 06-07 October 2017, the Nursing Association of Moldova organized the training workshop “Training the nurses leaders in the treatment of tobacco addiction”, in collaboration with the Center for Treatment of Tobacco Dependence, the International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care and the participation of the project leader Iveta Nohavova, Prague, Czech Republic and Cati Gulie, Nurse leader, Nursing Association of Romania. Approximately 60 trainers have been trained in the treatment of tobacco dependence at the workshop. In turn, these trainers will train other trainers in the healthcare institutions to  inform the helathcare professionals about the risk of smoking.


“Shaping sustainable social change in Eastern Neighbourhood Countries “

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Under the regional project “Shaping sustainable social change in Eastern Neighbourhood Countries by strengthening Social Workers and their Associations”, implemented by the Nursing Association of Moldova with the support of the European Union, the Austrian Development Agency and Hilfswerk Austria International on 30.09.2017 and 02.12.2017 took place two trainings: “Intersectorial cooperation in Social Assistance” and “Accreditation of the social services in home social care to strengthen the capacity of these services in accordance with the legislation of RM”.

The workshops attended more than 65 representatives from different NGOs with the support of qualified trainers in the area: Mrs. Viorica Dumbrăveanu, State Secretary, Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection; Mr. Dmitrian Rotaras, Director, National Council for the Accreditation of Social Services; Ms. Angela Chirilov, Social Inspection Agency, Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection.


Atelier de instruire „Managementul proiectelor”

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Atelier de instruire „Managementul proiectelor”

în cadrul proiectului regional:

”Asistenții sociali în colaborare pentru schimbări sociale în țările din vecinătatea estică”

implementat de Asociația de Nursing din RM cu suportul financiar al Uniunii Europene și Agenției Austriece pentru Dezvoltare în parteneriat cu Hilfswerk Austria International.


“Training the nurses leaders in the treatment of tobacco addiction”

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During the period 27 December 2017, the Nursing Association of Moldova organized the training workshop “Training the nurses leaders in the treatment of tobacco addiction”, in collaboration with the Center for Treatment of Tobacco Dependence and the International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care. 22 trainers have been trained in the treatment of tobacco dependence at the workshop. In turn, these trainers will train other trainers in the healthcare institutions to  inform the helathcare professionals about the risk of smoking.


Training workshop “Training the nurses leaders in the treatment of tobacco addiction”

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During the period 19-20 January 2018, the Nursing Association of Moldova organized the training workshop “Training the nurses leaders in the treatment of tobacco addiction”, in collaboration with the Center for Treatment of Tobacco Dependence and the International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care. 46 trainers have been trained in the treatment of tobacco dependence from different regions of the republic. In turn, these trainers will train other healthcare professionals about the risk of smoking.


Training “Project management”

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Training “Project management”

under the regional project:

Social workers in collaboration for social change in eastern neighbourhood countries

implemented by the Nursing Association of RM with the financial support of the European Union

and Austrian Development Cooperation in partnership with Hilfswerk Austria International



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Echipa din Republica Moldova din cadrul proiectului a organizat în perioada septembrie 2018 – februarie 2019 cinci workshop-uri (29.09.2018; 06.11.2018; 13.11.2018; 07.02.2019; 13.02.2019). Grupurile ţintă pentru workshop au fost asistenţi medicali din diferite direcţii: asistenţa medicală de familie, asistenţa medicală din cadrul instituţiilor de învăţământ, asistenţa medicală primară şi asistenţa medicală din regiunile republicii. Formatorii acestor workshop-uri au fost dna Stempovscaia Elena – coordonatorul proiectului în RM, dna Munteanu Maria – consultant în cadrul proiectului şi dna Cociug Angela – formator în cadrul programului “Formare de Formatori în combaterea fumatului”. Numărul total al participanţilor în cadrul sesiunilor au fost de 128 persoane. Suntem foarte mândri şi bucuroşi de faptul că am avut posibilitatea să acoperim un număr mare de asistenţi medicali în combaterea fumatului. Prin aceste sesiuni asistenţii medicali au învăţat metode de intervenţie în stoparea fumatului în rândul mai multor categorii de fumători: copii, elevi / studenţi, militari, personal medical, femei însărcinate, etc. Schimbul de experienţă acumulat în cadrul sesiunilor este unul binevenit pentru toţi.


De asemenea am avut posibilitatea să prezentăm însuşi proiectul şi activităţile organizate din cadrul acestuia la două conferinţe naţionale a asistenţilor medicali organizate în mun. Chişinău. Prima conferinţă a fost organizată pentru asistenţi medicali de fmailie, care a avut loc în data de 1 noiembrie 2018 cu un număr total de 170 participanţi. Consultantul proiectului, dna Munteanu Maria, a subliniat încă o dată rolul semnificativ al asistenţilor medicali în stoparea fumatului, dat fiind faptul că asistenţii medicali sunt primii specialişti cu un contact direct cu toate categoriile de persoane. Acest rol se reflectă în consultarea pacienţilor (conștientizarea riscurilor) prin susţinerea acestora și controlul renunțării la fumat.

A doua conferinţă a fost organizată pentru personalul medical din cadrul IMSP Institutul Medical de Urgenţă, ce a avut loc în data de 15 noiembrie 2018 cu un număr total de 75 participanţi. Prezentarea a fost efectuată de către dna Pînteac Olga, formator în cadrul programului “Formare de Formatori în combaterea fumatului”. Genericul conferinţei a fost “Fumatul – o ameninţare pentru sănătate şi bunăstare” care a subliniat impactul fumatului ca fiind una dintre cele mai răspândite cauze a mortalităţii şi bolilor în Republica Moldova. În fiecare an, oamenii din țară mor din cauza fumatului, mulți trăind mai mult cu boli legate de fumat. Acesta poate crește riscul de a dezvolta afecțiuni mai grave de sănătate, unele dintre acestea fiind chiar fatale, iar altele pot provoca daune ireversibile pe termen lung sănătății oamenilor.


Formatorii în cadrul programului “Formare de Formatori în combaterea fumatului” au avut posibilitatea să-şi împărtăşească cunoştinţele acumulate din cadrul sesiunilor de combatere a fumatului altor asistenţi medicali şi studenţi. Formatorul Damian Liliana a organizat două seminare scurte privind dauna fumatului (02.11.2018 / 05.11.2018) pentru personalul militar din cadrul IMSP Spitalul Clinic Militar Central cu un număr total de 84 participanţi. Alţi formatori, Postica Ludmila şi Scoarţă Ecaterina au organizat câte un seminar scurt pentru studenţii nursing (05.12.2018 / 10.12.2018) privind daunele fumatului asupra sănătăţii oamenilor. Seminarele au avut loc în cadrul Centrului de excelenţă în medicină şi farmacie “R.Pacalo” din mun. Chişinău. Studenţii au fost dornici să învețe noi informații privind renunțarea la fumat cu schimb de experiență.